Thursday, March 29, 2012

Weekends of fun and projects.

The last couple weekends have been beautiful.   We have been getting out and playing outside quite a bit.  

We have been working on home improvement projects  and  re-furbishing some chairs that my dad gave us from his move.  We made our Home Depot list and headed out to get supplies.   When we made our list we also thought about future home improvement projects that we would be undertaking.  The  home improvement list is long. 

The chairs started out a gross red/brown color peeling and  in desparate need of stain.

The weather was gorgeous but windy and poor Peter's allergies were in full force.   He was a trooper.  The worst part was getting them apart.  I think it took us the same amount of tiem to get them apart as it did to sand and stain them.

They turned out beautiful. This picture is not so great but the chairs really do look great.

We  started fixing and staining our deck.

We got the first coat on and it looks a thousand times better already.  Obviously it was in desperate need of repair.

We also went to a Stars hockey game. 

We ate neon orange cheese, saw a fight, an ejection, and a section of  the glass shatter into a thousand peices.

Yes, I put my son in a white shirt for the hockey game. 

No, I did not realize that we would be eating neon orange cheese.  It was delicious.

Yes, I stain sticked the heck out of the shirt when we got home.

I have become....

A Pinner! 

Yes I know....let's add another internet site for me to keep up with. 

I really really like it though and I can actually say that I have tried several of the recipes, and a couple of the craft ideas that I have pinned. 

So I am actually using it and feeling pretty awesome about what I have accomplished with it. 

Does anyone else pin?  Have you successfully used it for projects and such?