Friday, April 13, 2012

Pinteresting Ideas Come To Life.

I wrote a while back that I had become a pinner and wondered if others had been successful in doing some of the projects they had pinned.  Here  are a few that I have been successful in trying out.

DIY Cloth Diaper detergent.    Using it for a couple weeks now with similar results as detergents you buy specifically for diapers....... only way cheaper.  I spend the same amount of money to buy the ingredients but can make more detergent than you get in a package.  Win win!

Homemade disinfecting wipes.  Save money, save trees.....another win win!  Simply take old t-shirts (cause everybody has them)  and cut into squares.   Follow the recipe on her site and wipe down every surface you can reach.  Throw them in the wash and re-use them later.

Homemade Dishwasher and Scouring Powder.    Another money saver.  Been using this one for a couple weeks now too with similar results as specifically bought products at a fraction of the cost.  I went with the Kool-aid version because I could not easily find lemon oil.  Now if only I had a descent dishwasher I think the results would be amazing, but you work with what you have.  I think it works great as a scouring powder too.

The cleaning wipes and dishwasher powder came from  She has some really great ideas. 

Kitchen command center Home Management Binder already downloading the forms... ah ha!

Kitchen Command Center            Home Management Binder       DIY Fabric Liner and Cover

Yep working on putting all this together.   I made the DIY fabric liner and cover using an old wipes box and some scrap fabric.  That box has become the Command Center box and the Binder is still a work in progress.....waiting for some papers from my hubby.   Overall it is coming together nicely.

cut a slit into a toilet paper roll to make a wrapping paper cuff! (keeps the paper from unrolling everywhere)

Yeah, super easy right?!   I started saving TP tubes and putting them on the wrapping paper rolls.

  recipe binder

Recipe Binder I am a collector of yummy recipes and the papers started to pile up.  I ended up not making this myself but bought one for about what it would have cost to make it. I just got all my  printed recipes into it and like how less cluttered my recipe book shelf looks. 

 The number of recipes I have gotten off of Pinterest is ridiculous and delicious all at the same time.  I think I may be addicted.   I like organization and this allows me to put my favorite sites and ideas in order.   Thanks Ben and staff you rock!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jelly Beans Were Flying

Easter always seems to jump start our busy time of year. The next few weekends are going to be filled with fun for our family.

 It is such a beautiful time of year with everything newly green and fresh.  The  flowers bloom, the sun shines, and we ingest way too much sugar.

On Friday night we went to a baseball game with my Mom, Gordon, and Mason. 

Carter was amazed when he looked through the binoculars.  He has play ones at home, but these were way cooler!  

The team ended up not winning the game that night but we got some great pictures.
After a delicious breakfast with the crew at their hotel, Peter, Carter, and I headed home to pack up to go to Mom's for Easter.

Carter hunted Easter eggs in the backyard this year after lunch on Sunday.  The first one he picked up he opened and found money.  So every egg he found after that he opened, even the eggs with jelly beans in them.

The jelly beans were flying everywhere.  Then he would try to pick them up and eat them up and eat them before Tai got them.

We had Jelly beans all over the yard.

Mom, Mason and Carter got into a ball fight. Throwing the foam basketballs at each other.

He got a couple puzzles, a small baseball glove, cloth baseball and entirely too much candy, which is now hidden at home because he would not leave it alone. He loves candy and he loves marshmallows, but for some reason I cannot get him to eat a peep.  He will say he wants one, take one bite and give it back to me.  I however love peeps and will gladly finish what he does not eat.


After the Easter egg hunt the whole house took a collective nap. 

It was awesome.

I love a good nap.

Horsey Dreams

I have had some very vivid dreams lately. 


They have also been strange. 

The other night I had a dream that I was in the mountains as part of  an expedition.  Only it was like we were brought their against our will and we had to  find certain things and complete tasks before we could go home.   Kind of like a cross between Hunger Games, Survivor, and Indiana Jones.

Yeah I know weird....

Honeymoon shot. Grandma loves this pic. 

Anyway, as the dream progressed we had to ride horses to the different destinations and events.  I was given a horse that was completely unruly.  He was severely agitated  and I could not get him calmed  down...... so I started to freak out and begging the other people with me to trade horses with me.   I am hyperventilating in my dream and eventually woke myself up unable to catch my breath.

People who know my horse background understand, those of you who don't let me fill you in.  Some names have been changed to protect the innocent.    

My Grandparents owned a ranch north of my hometown.  When I was growing up I would occasionally make my way out their to go horseback riding.   Sometimes my sister Jenn would come too and we would ride horses in the hills around the ranch while Grandpa drove the 4 wheeler  telling us about the old homestead and his family along the way.

The old barn.

The house.

One time I finally convinced my brother Ian to come along.  My dad came out with us and when we got there my Uncle Gary was out their too.  Uncle Gary helped us get the horses ready to go.  I was going to ride Snuff and Ian was going out with me the first round on Dolly.   While we were getting the horses ready Uncle Gary casually mentioned that Snuff was 3 days out from a horse chiropractor visit, but should be good to go. Of course I thought nothing of this.

This is Carter and I on Snuff in 2010 during branding.  I think he remembered me.....I remembered him.

We headed north from the house out into the pasture around the grove of trees that protects the house a little from the wind and snow in the winter.   Once we round this corner we are out of sight from the house and barn. 

Ian and I rode for a while chatting and enjoying the view.  It was one of the first times he had been out and he was doing a great job.    We turned around to head back and let someone else come out with me.   That is when things got a little out of hand.  Ian's horse Dolly got spooked by God only know what and took off at a pace that was not comfortable for Ian as a fairly new rider.  So I got Snuff to catch up with them to help Ian get her slowed down.   We caught up and I pulled back a little on the reigns to get him to slow down.

Snuff did not like that.  He did not like that one little bit and a bucking he did go.   For a brief moment I was flying............ up over his head......... and then gravity took over. 

Gravity will get you every time.

I somehow did some kind of a tuck and roll and roll and roll and stopped sitting on my butt in the dirt with my eyes shut.

Ian saw the whole thing and was freaking  out  trying to see if I am OK , while Dolly,his horse,  is taking  loping pace back to the house.   I open my eyes to see Snuffs butt rounding the corner to the barn......he knew he done wrong.  I sat there trying to decide which part of me hurt worse and heard the four wheeler come to life at the barn.

As soon as Snuff rounded the corner my Dad and Gary knew something was wrong.  Ian had not even made it to the turn to head back to the house yet. They went tearing past him on the four wheeler to come find me.   It took them about 4 minutes from the time I fell to them pulling up next to me.   I had not quite recovered my thought processes to tell them what had happened, but I know I needed a minute before trying to get up.

I could feel everything so that was a good thing...........except I could feel everything and that was a bad thing. 

Dad and Gary stood talking to me a few minutes, then slowly helped me get up.  We somehow managed to get me on the four wheeler and get back up to the house every bump sending pain throughout my entire body.  I asked for ice, water and Advil and laid down on the floor.   My left foot felt like it was the size of a watermelon in my boot, so I left it alone and laid on the bag of ice. 

By the grace of God I drove myself and siblings home. I had a follow up doctors appointment for the next day so I just figured I would have them check me out then.  I went home and slowly peeled  my boot off..... yep my foot was the size of a watermelon.   I propped my foot up with a bag of ice and turned on a movie.  My step-dad Gordon came home and looked at my foot and just shook his head.   I ended up sleeping in the chair as it was more comfortable.

I wobbled into the doctors office the next day and the nurse, Julie came out  to get me, took one look at me as I tried to walk back with her and said "What did you do this time?"

Yes I had that kind of relationship with my doctor.

Julie took me straight to x-ray and we took a picture of my foot, then hobbled down to the exam room.   Dr. W came in laughing and said "OK what did you do."  I relayed the story the best I could to him.  There happened to be an orthopedic surgeon up at the local hospital that day so he sent me directly up there to see him.  Dr. M came in and told me I had broken the weight bearing bone in my foot and would need a couple screws in it to stabilize the fracture.  I mentioned that I felt like I pulled every muscle in my back and he thought I had better get that x-rayed as well.

My mom had joined me at the hospital by that point and as we sat in the exam room waiting for him to come back in, we planned on how I was going to get back to school and get around.   Dr. M came sweeping into the room and said,  "well you definately did a number on your self.  You have compression fractures in the L2-L5 vertebrae."

I think Mom stopped breathing for  a moment then she rolled her eyes and shook her head.  I'm pretty sure I laughed a little and said, "Really???"   This news led to us getting a special back brace, scheduling surgery for my foot a week later , and Mom and Mason joining me in Lincoln for a week to get me settled for school. 

I don't think Ian has been horse back riding since. 

The next time I got on the horse was on my Honey Moon in Hawaii.  I was nervous and excited.   I did not realize how much I missed it. 

I have no idea what I am looking at. 

Peter's horse had an itch. 

 So you can see how a dream about an unruly horse would  make me hyperventilate.