Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Heinz 57 Bullet

We have an older refrigerator (see this post)  with the shelving in the door that just has the bar across to hold things in and is open at the bottom.   For some reason when they manufactured these fridges they decided to round the edge of the shelf as well making it virtually impossible for condiments to stay where they are placed.

Last Friday, Peter and I were making pasta salad and breakfast casserole for the Saturday garage sale.  It was a little later than we intended  because we had been setting up for the sale.  So we were bustling around each other getting things done.  Peter went to help Carter with something and I started cleaning up. 

Somehow in the process of putting the mustard bottle back into the refrigerator I jostled the full glass Heinz 57 sauce bottle from its respective position on the shelf.  It came shooting out the bottom of the shelving like a bullet and hit directly on my big toe.

The profanities that spewed from my mouth I must have picked up from a sailor in a previous life.  

 It turned black and blue and swelled immediately and I was pretty sure that I could have possibly cracked the bone. But I pressed on and hobbled around finishing the breakfast casserole.

The next day at the sale putting pressure on it was excruciating.

A week later it is still pretty colors and wearing a tennis shoe is a little painful.

Now I will show you a picture.

Please forgive how funny looking my feet are.


Garage Sale Season.

I am pretty sure that I have talked about this before.  The time of year when everyone decides to de-junkify  their house and try to make a profit. 

I'm not putting it down. 

I do it almost every year.

This year the event is at our house during our neighborhood sales.  People come from 100 plus miles out of town to hit our neighborhood sales, so there is always a decent crowd weather permitting.   Six families are getting together and bringing curios of all kinds.  All of us said that we did not have much this year, but once you get it all put together......... we could probably fill a semi trailer.

I like garage sales.  Over the years they have furnished my apartments in college, fed hobbies for cheap, provided mint condition clothing for Carter and brought in a little extra money when it was needed.

I was at a Pampered Chef meeting the other day and one of the other consultants was talking about the garage sales she just had.  They are moving out of state and getting rid of stuff and over 3 sales they made $5000.  How????  That is like $1600 per sale!  I'm lucky if I make $40.  

While I do not expect to make that much at a garage sale....probably ever..... I still enjoy them for the fact that they give me a small piece of mind when it comes to cleaning out the clutter of my home.

A co-worker of mine calls them garbage sales.

But hey, One mans trash is another mans treasure.