Monday, April 23, 2012


When we moved into our house we were told we had a butterfly bush.

I had no idea what or which one that was.

Until this evening.

Carter and I were having a picnic in the backyard and I noticed a lot of activity on one of the bushes.

The activity turned out to be about 50 butterfly's fluttering about the bush.  So I ran in the house and grabbed the camera...........

Then I ran back in the house and grabbed the memory card for the camera.

It was really amazing to see.  Carter came over and said "bugs!" I told him "butterfly" and he repeated it in his tiny voice not getting it totally right.  He then tried to point them all out to me.

"right there right there!" he would shout.

"OOO there's one!"

"Look airplane."

OK a little off the subject but he likes to point them out as well.

Rainy Day Weddings

My Aunt got married a week ago Saturday. 

Her flowers were white.

Her cake was purple.

Despite the torrential rain, tornado watches/warnings, and having to move the ceremony and party indoors, It was a great night.

The whole family is very happy for her.  She has been through some rough spots and finally found a keeper.


We are excited to welcome Danny to the family.