Thursday, August 11, 2011

Would you like some cheese?

Well after a rocky couple of days, today feels like it is going better. 

You ever have one of those weeks where nothing seems to be going right?  Nothing feels like it is falling into place.....the world you live in is just not OK. 

Yeah......... it has been one of those weeks.

And while my desire is to not be "Simpering Sally", that is how I am feeling so here goes.

I hate having unpleasant "discussions" with my hubby.  In the end everything is great but, nobody likes it in the moment.   Love You Babe!

You know how sometimes things snowball?  How a simple request can turn into some kind of huge problem, when it really was not a problem or that big of a deal to begin with? 

Yeah that happened too, at work. 

I would not say that I am a pot stirrer (others might) ,but I am pretty good at stoking the fire.  I try to voice my opinions,ideas, requests in a reasonable way, mainly via e-mail because that seems to be my easiest form of then it is on paper and there is no "he said, she said" crap.   I am opinionated.  I admit it.  Some times that is not a bad thing.......other times it gets me into trouble.

Then to top off the fun my sand volleyball team was brutally beaten down in the finals of the league tournament.  It was not pretty.  It was painful.  Nothing was going right, things that normally worked for us just could not get the job done.  It was just not our night.

I feel as though the universe is against me this week.  Maybe, I did something naughty and Karma is getting to me.    Maybe it's just my turn.  Either way it sucks. 

It will get better.   It always dose, until then.............. Yes! I will take some cheese with my whine.