Thursday, January 26, 2012

And It Went Like This

 I celebrated my 30th birthday this weekend.

I kicked off the weekend , well the week really, by catching a nasty cold that has left me drained and without  a voice.  I thought I was feeling better on Thursday...... and then Thursday night came along and that was the end of the feeling better.

But the show must go on as they say. 

On Friday afternoon a big brown truck pulled up to my house and left me a large box.  Inside this large box which was address to me but was really for my sister Jenn and I, were 8 fabulously decorated cupcakes of various flavors from a company in Chicago.  Jenn came to town Friday night  for a Chinese dinner at our house.

After we gorged ourselves on Peter's fantastic cooking, we sat down at the coffee table in the living room forks in hand and had a sample of each cupcake. There were some good ones, the lemon blueberry was by far my favorite,  and some bad ones, the dark chocolate sea salt.... yuck!  Peter didn't even like it and that is saying something because he likes almost everything..... except cooked carrots, which I tell him is why his eye sight is so bad.  Anyway most of them were delicious.

Saturday morning we got up and I cooked us a nice breakfast, while Peter installed my birthday present in my car. He and Carter got me a phone holder that attaches to the dash or windshield.  I think it has something to do with my driving skills...... or lack there of.  Apparently I am a terrible driver.

I really like it.  I can use my phone like a GPS now.   It is very hands free and handy.

After breakfast I headed to the pharmacy to get some medicine and cards.  I  ended up having to go to two different stores to get the right medicine, prompting Jenn to text me to see if I had gotten lost and to post a comment on my FB page about me being old and needing to hurry up.  She can be a little ornery sometimes.

Jenn and I headed out to do a little shopping and pick up a cake she ordered from Cold Stone Creamery, the cake was fantastic.   We did a little window shopping..... well I window shopped she did buy something.  I found a couple really cute sweaters and fun shoes that I might have to look into purchasing.

About the time we made it home my Dad and Theresa pulled into town. So Jenn, Carter and I headed to lunch with them.  Peter  had already eaten and had a couple things to do to get ready for the party.
We had a party at a local bar with family and friends.  We had a lot of fun getting together with everyone. 

Peyton and Cheryl

Carter and Mason

My Dad and Co-worker Amy.

Don't hide behind your beer Scott!

The Birthday Crew

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Sister Hates Frogs

My sister Steph hates frogs, she has since she was very little.   She dislikes their sliminess, jumpiness, and general greenness.  We lived in the country growing up and she would get piggy-back rides from her friends into the house during the summer to avoid the crazy jumping frogs the thought our back porch was the most luxurious domicile in existence.  She lives in Florida now, I am not sure about the frog population in Floriday.  I know they have an abundance of alligators and I think she shares the same dislike of them as frogs, but more for their hot tempers and sharp teeth.

Over the years her dislike grew into not just the animal itself, but to figurines, pictures, and stuffed animals. So naturally the family has taken it upon themselves to take full advantage of any opportunity that arises to taunt her with anything froggy.  Her responses usually include a couple expletives and proclamations of how mean we are.

So this weekend, on my birthday I was out shopping with my other sister Jenn, the sister I share the same birthday with.  We were at Barnes and Noble getting a warm beverage and they had the cutest Frog shaped frosted cookies.  So naturally Jenn and I took a picture of it and sent it to Steph. She responded in her typical way and we countered that she could not say those kind of things to us on our birthday.  She said she could when we do things like send pictures of frogs to her. 

This was a fun reminder of a few other "frog" events.   One Christmas she was unwrapping a  gift from our brother Ian, that happened to be a frog figurine.  She had managed in the process of unwrapping it to turn it upside down so that she could not see what it was. On discovering the objects true form, she promptly threw it in the air and screamed.  It is unclear to me if the beating that insued after this event left any scars.

There was also the greeting card of a frog wearing a graduation cap that was flung across the table without reading it, while choice words were uttered.   (I made her take a picture with that one.)

We do these things because we love her........ and she loves it.