Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekend Movies.....

After my show on Saturday I relaxed at my Mom's house.  I caught up on a few movies that I had wanted to see. 
The first one was "Sex in the City 2" released in 2010, staring all the girls.   I thought it was a little on the cheesy side.  Good, but cheesy.  My sister who hates frogs is an expert on all things "Sex in the City" so I text her to clarify a few things for me.  I had thought that at the end of the first movie that Charlotte had a baby boy... I was wrong she had a girl.  In my texts to Steph she said this,  "If you would like me to recite an excerts from any episode just let me know I got you."   and yes she could do it.

Sex and the City 2 Poster
Picture from

The next movie I watched I had already seen, "Don't tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead".  This is one of those movies that if I am looking for something to watch and it is on, I will most likely watch it. It's a funny, quirkey movie that came out in 1991, staring Christina Applegate.

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I like this movie for it's  entertainment factor.  It kept me from getting too bored and didn't make me think much.  Which on Saturday night that was what I was looking for, while I vegged out and enjoyed some "mommy time".   But, the whole time I watched this I kept thinking.... "Wow she looks so beautiful, but I just want to tweeze her eyebrows!"

 If someday I would ever meet Christina Applegate I will ask her if when she sees herself in older show if she just thinks, "What the heck was up with my brows?"

On Sunday  before heading home I watched "Country Strong", starring Gweneth Paltrow  and Tim McGraw.

Country Strong Poster
 Picture from

I liked it, it has a good story.

 I cried.

My last movie I watched was "The Tourist"  starring Angelina Jolie and Jonny Depp released in 2010.  Very intriguing movie, I like the ending......  and I always love Jonny.

The Tourist Poster
Picture from

Overall I would say they were all good, enertaining movies.  It was nice to get a little Mommy/relaxing time in. 

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