Monday, May 2, 2011


It has been the week of cleaning and garage sale for us.  And it is sad that I can honestly say my house has not been this clean in a really..... really...... really long time. I mean I scoured everything....even the walls and vacuumed all the edges and corners.

Before picture.

After picture.

Believe me that was a small glimpse into the chaos.....the rest of the house was that X 100.

Carter went to daycare all week which was new for him.  He had a great time and I got a lot done around the house.

On Friday my Mom came to town and we picked Carter up and hung out till it was time to set up for the garage sale at my cousins house.  We had pizza and worked till about 8:30 then headed home to get some rest and be up early the next day.

Saturday morning came and Carter decided to sleep in.  So we were a little late getting over there but not too bad.  We finished setting up and had to ask a few people to come back because we were not ready for them yet.  It was a nice day except for the wind and all in all I say it was pretty successful.    My brother Mason made the most money and he wasn't even there.  At the end of the day we donated everything that did not sell with the exception of a few things. 

So my question to the universe is this:  Why do we spend the time to go through our stuff, have a garage sale,only to replace it with more stuff?

 The cycle continues.

So on Sunday we crashed.

We took a couple naps  then went to the park for a little while.


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