Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Great Banana Accident at Wings of Freedom

This weekend was the Wings of Freedom Airshow.   We live relatively close to the airport so we can see and hear most of the show.   We decided to actually go and watch this year.  We also had my cousins daughter K for the day while her mom worked. 

K is a very picky eater. She would not eat anything for breakfast even when Peter offered to get her Mcdonalds for breakfast.  She "tried" some nutter butter cookies and said they were "OK" as she finished them off.   Ahh kids.....what do you do?

During the course of the morning, I decided to take Carter for a ride in the car, in hopes that he would nap before going to the show.  It was abour 10:45 and before I left K came to me and said she was hungry. I asked her what she would like. 

"Mcdonalds." she replied.

"OK......what do you want? I will stop and get you some while I am out." I said. 

"Chicken nuggets, french fries and sprite." she respinded like she had been contemplating asking since Peter returned with his breakfast.

"Ok" I said and left with Carter.

We returned home, Carter asleep and  McDonalds in hand.  K sat down, while Carter slept and I finished getting our bag packed for the airshow.   I decided to pack a couple bananas for the kids to snack on later.  I put them in one of the outer pockets of the diaper bag. 

Carter woke up and it was time to go so we loaded the kids up.  Even though we are literally  live right around the corner from the airport and normally it would take us 10 minutes to get to the location of the show, it took us 30 minutes.   We were able to watch some of it from the car.  K saw a bi-winged plane doing a dashed  smoke line in the sky.

"April that is a broken line!  We learned about it in school." K cried.  She was excited.

We had to park about a mile and a half away from the entrance so, I took the kids and Peter hauled the diaper bag and chairs.  We made it through the entrance and bag check and suddenly Peter stopped just inside the gate.

"What in the world?!" he exclaimed.

In the course of hauling the diaper bag he had inadvertently turned the banana pocket toward him so that while he was walking he was smashing the banana all over his butt. 

I laughed and started pulling smashed banana out of the bag looking for a trash can and  finding some wipes to clean it up as much as I can.   Peter is trying to wipe off the goo as well and Carter is watching the whole episode and checking out everything else going on around him.

I suddenly hear, "Oh no!  What happens if I get hungry?!  What will we do?" coming from K, who is standing there in shock and horror.

"It will be ok.  We can get something if we need to."  I reply.

At this point I have not relized that  by saying these words I have given K an open invitation to request and eat any kind of junk food she desired.  Oops!

When it was all said and done K had eaten nutter butter cookies,  Mcdonalds, nachos (with the majority of the cheese scraped off because she has some milk intolerance), a strawberry smoothie, and a funnel cake with powdered sugar.


At least I had good intentions with the banana.

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