Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jelly Beans Were Flying

Easter always seems to jump start our busy time of year. The next few weekends are going to be filled with fun for our family.

 It is such a beautiful time of year with everything newly green and fresh.  The  flowers bloom, the sun shines, and we ingest way too much sugar.

On Friday night we went to a baseball game with my Mom, Gordon, and Mason. 

Carter was amazed when he looked through the binoculars.  He has play ones at home, but these were way cooler!  

The team ended up not winning the game that night but we got some great pictures.
After a delicious breakfast with the crew at their hotel, Peter, Carter, and I headed home to pack up to go to Mom's for Easter.

Carter hunted Easter eggs in the backyard this year after lunch on Sunday.  The first one he picked up he opened and found money.  So every egg he found after that he opened, even the eggs with jelly beans in them.

The jelly beans were flying everywhere.  Then he would try to pick them up and eat them up and eat them before Tai got them.

We had Jelly beans all over the yard.

Mom, Mason and Carter got into a ball fight. Throwing the foam basketballs at each other.

He got a couple puzzles, a small baseball glove, cloth baseball and entirely too much candy, which is now hidden at home because he would not leave it alone. He loves candy and he loves marshmallows, but for some reason I cannot get him to eat a peep.  He will say he wants one, take one bite and give it back to me.  I however love peeps and will gladly finish what he does not eat.


After the Easter egg hunt the whole house took a collective nap. 

It was awesome.

I love a good nap.

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